Joined on December 31, 1969


2009-04-14 09:52:23

Target rocks! They always have something you "need" & it's convenient for everyone, have you ever NOT seen a Target in a city?

Lidia DeLavio

2009-04-14 09:52:23

Lidia was great, exactly what we wanted! Inspiring & many selections as far as vows, poems & diffent choices for how the ceremony was to run. She was awesome!

Men's Wearhouse

2009-04-14 09:52:23

Sweet tuxes! Loved the color choices for vests--coupons for a free rental and $20 off for each attendant with 4 rentals=great deal!!


2009-04-14 09:52:23

AWESOME live karaoke band! Must have!!

The Falls Catering

2009-04-14 09:52:23

Cake was beautiful & delish


2009-04-14 09:52:23

Tons of compliments on the food, great service!!


2009-04-14 09:52:23

Flowers were absolutely beautiful, custom made boutineers---45 minutes late to the ceremony!!! Left a bad taste in everyones mouth.

Leisure Limosuine and Sedan Service

2009-04-14 09:52:23

Great deal, driver was in a tux, champagne included, any additional beverages could be brought in--great ride!!

Toberlin Photography

2009-04-14 09:52:23

Toby was great! Willing to travel anywhere, up for anything--great job!!