Joined on December 31, 1969

Enchanted Celebrations

2010-11-10 12:43:38

Enchanted Celebrations took all the photos I could have ever asked for and more. They made sure that they captured every little moment which is one reason why I love their service so much. Their prices were fantastic, and I got to keep all the pictures that I wanted. They really did a great job at my wedding, and now I have all the pictures I need in order to get the best outcome when I show people who could not make it to the wedding.

Enchanted Celebrations

2010-11-10 12:43:38

They were wonderful with the DJ service as well. No one wanted to stop dancing, and they played all the right songs. I loved every second of working with them. Not only did I get pictures, but I also got a one of a kind DJ to make the music more pleasurable. You guys really do rock!