Joined on December 31, 1969

Murielle Winery Inc

2008-05-20 06:43:09

The favors were delivered on time, and were beautiful. The Raspberry Merlot is very good and the kids were thrilled to be included with their sparkling cider "wine." We ordered 72 bottles and had one per guest set at each place setting. The place settings were named so that we could make sure the kids received the sparkling cider. I do think there is enough wine in the bottles to do one per couple, though it would be hard to set them out so people understood. Also, some might think it unfair that the singles get an entire bottle to themselves. I'd say there is about 2 glasses worth of wine in each bottle.


2008-05-20 06:37:19

Oh, the bakery. What was supposed to be a fun cake tasting, turned into a disaster in a hurry. First, it is hard to work with these people from a distance if you want anything other than the options listed on their website. They do not provide an email where you can send a picture, but instead ask you to fax it in. Apparently their fax machine is less than optimal, and the resulting photo of the cake I had in mind did not come out well. I had previously spoken with bakery manager, Brenda, who was very helpful over the phone. I was told that they would happily pick up the chocolates made by the Chocolate Forrest for the cake, so it would save me the cost of shipping. Upon arriving, the cake decorater, Lynn, had no idea what I was talking about--This is TWO days before our wedding. It took a long while to finally get this settled, but eventually they agreed to pick up, for a fee (probably could have shipped for the same amount). Relieved, I was eager to get to the cake tasting...when she asked me what flavors I was interested in tasting, I repeated the same information I had relayed to numerous people at the bakery about the flavors we wanted in our cake. I was told they were out of Lemon and would not be able to get it by the time of the wedding. Seriously? Don't you think it would have been a good idea to tell me this? Isn't Publix a CHAIN store? It didn't even cross this woman's mind that she could call across the street to another location? ...after I had told them repeatedly I wanted lemon flavor in my cake. We ended up paying around $300 for a cake that fed only 75 people - and they did somehow manage to find lemon filling. Do not try to save money by going to a Publix. Extra money is worth some amount of professionalism that this particular Publix was seriously lacking. I was practically crying when we left the store (just the straw that broke the camel's back, I know this ultimately was not that big a deal). The cake did turn out beautiful in the end and tasted very good, it just wasn't worth the stress to get there.