Joined on December 31, 1969

Maui Executive Catering

2009-09-28 07:37:35

Jeff Scheer of Maui Executive Catering was fantastic!!! We were so happy with his communication, suggestions and most importantly his great meal! We had island-style flavors in all our dishes and the presentation was beautiful! We also hired their bartender and he was a blast. All our guests loved the food and the staff was outstanding. I highly recommend Maui Executive Catering!!

Joanna Tano Photography

2009-09-28 07:37:35

Joanna was very easy to work with and she took photos of everything!! People who were unable to attend, felt like they were there after viewing the photos as Joanna captures all the details! She is very easy to work with and her photos are precious.

Rev. Dennis De Rego

2009-09-28 07:37:35

Rev. Dennis was one of the few ministers willing to talk to us on the phone and meet with us before our ceremony. He incorporated Hawaiian traditions into our ceremony and had a great sense of humor.