Joined on December 31, 1969

Complete Music

2008-11-06 13:09:03

Listened to what we wanted, and then added his own personal style. No cheesy "DJ" persona, not too much talking - couldn't have asked for a better DJ. Easy to work with, highly recommended.

Matty Cakes

2008-11-06 13:09:03

Easily the most delicious cake I've ever eaten. Everyone loved it. Turned out absolutely beautifully. Matt had a can-do attitude from the moment we met him - he was willing to do anything to make our cake perfect on our wedding day.

My Gatsby

2008-11-06 13:09:03

Papers matched the samples perfectly - heavy weight, high quality. Customer service was good. Arrived quickly. Easy to assemble, or can pay to have them assembled for you. Very reasonably priced, lots of designs, fonts, motifs to choose from.