Joined on December 31, 1969

Gloria's Flowers

2013-08-27 21:40:43

THIS REVIEW IS ACTUALLY REGARDING A BIRTHDAY FLORAL ARRANGEMENT I HAD SENT TO ME - HORRIBLY RUDE - SUB PAR FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS. This woman did not collect the right information for delivery and blamed ME (The person RECEIVING the flowers for my Birthday.) She patronized and belittled me in front of my 3 year old son after I had to go HUNT her down only to find my flowers sitting on the ground outside of our condo. After I picked up the flowers, the woman started back towards me shouting and carrying on about the fact SHE couldn't find ME. I ended up in tears afterwards - The woman was humiliating me in front of my building in an incredibly unprofessional manor. I never through receiving flowers could make someone feel so horrible. Thank you for ruining my Birthday - If you don't want to make someone's day special and beautiful - you should really get out of the Floral business. I would never recommend this place - Not only was the service disturbingly cruel - The arrangement was sub par at best. It could have been assembled by an elementary school student and the lilies were torn and brown along the edges. Do everyone a favor and find a new career path.