Joined on December 31, 1969

The Regatta Place

2008-08-26 06:02:02

Of ever vendor we dealt with, no one surpaced the staff at the Regatta Place...Melanie & crew really out did themselves. The food was excellent, the setting was amazing, their attention to detail was phenominal. I had no need for a wedding coordinator because they took care of everything from the rehearsal to the reception!

GQ & the Lady

2008-08-26 06:02:01

We loved Linda & the band. Everyone (young & old) were on their feet dancing the entire party! Best rendition of Sweet Home Alabama!

Cappuccino's Bakery

2008-08-26 06:02:01

Paul & his staff are great & brough our vision to life in both the Bride & Grooms cake! Both tasted amazing!