Joined on December 31, 1969

Scade Photography

2012-01-25 10:30:43

I can't recommend Scade Photography enough! Used them for our wedding in June 2011 and my husband and I were so pleased with how the photos turned out. I just emailed Steph the other day to tell her that as I was looking at our photobook the other day I'm even more pleased with everything.

Important to know: you get 2 photographers (2 pros, not 1 pro and an assistant), they are discreet but still somehow capture all the important moments (and the ones you didn't realize were even happening but are so glad they captured!), they take great 'formal' photos, and tons of them (so you get all the nice photos, especially those of you and your husband/wife), but they take TONS of photos of your guests and of you and your guests interacting. We knew our wedding day would be a special one for us, but a huge part of why it was special was because we were sharing it with all the people that were really important to us, and the Scades captured that in their photos.

Like I said, I can't recommend them enough!

The Playboys

2012-01-25 10:30:43

For anyone looking for a live band, these guys are great. Our wedding was a Ukrainian one, so that meant lots of dancing! They play great Ukrainian music (polka, waltz, etc.) but they also play really good other songs (covers of country, rock, etc.). They're fun to watch to, so for those that aren't as keen to get on the dance floor it still makes for great entertainment.