Joined on December 31, 1969

Atmosphere Wedding Planning

2011-10-30 15:05:08

Atmosphere Wedding Planning

2011-10-30 15:03:55

It seems that this company changed ownership prior to us signing on with them. I'm sorry to say that my experience with the new owner, Jordan, was completely awful. Complaints included:

-repeated errors (like forgetting to include the cost of alcohol in our budget for our open-bar wedding, forgetting to include the mandatory gratuity and tax)

-constantly promising to do things by a certain date ("I'll have that for you by this weekend for sure!") and then never doing them (not just being late, but not doing them at all). There were many excuses such as a computer breakdown, needing to focus on a trade show, etc.

-doing what he wanted rather than listening to what we wanted, e.g., focussing too much attention on having several fancy decor items, when we made it clear we wanted to save money on the decor by having only chair wraps and a head table overlay and otherwise just use the venue's decor)

We made numerous attempts to express our concerns and resolve matters. However, in the end we decided it was worth losing the money we had already paid, and fired Jordan. We hired someone much better, Renee Chan from getwed, who made the wedding planning and the actual wedding day a dream. I can't recommend her enough.

getwed Event Planning

2011-10-30 15:03:55

Renee was excellent from start to finish. She was quick with her responses, totally organized, and thought of everything. We got lots of compliments from our wedding planning on the great job she and her assistant did. Well worth the money, made my day a lot more enjoyable, and meant that special guests such as the mother of the bride and maid of honour had less to do.