Joined on December 31, 1969

Izzy's Ice Cream

2008-08-12 05:57:17

We aren’t huge cake fans, but we still wanted to have a cake cutting at the wedding so we hired Izzy’s. Adriana was the woman I worked with at Izzy’s and she let me come in for as many samples as I wanted and always sent me home with extra ice cream! Their ice cream is soooo good and all of our guests loved it! We had 14 different flavors of ice cream in sheet cakes and a three tiered cake for cutting. Izzy’s delivered the cake and had two employees at the library to cut the cakes right before it was served. After the cake was served they boxed up all of the extras in quarts and pints and took it back to the store so I could pick it up the next week. For the delivery, staff, and cake for 215 guests we only paid $450 which I thought was a great deal for such an amazing and unique product!