Joined on December 31, 1969

1 Fine Day Photography

2010-10-07 11:12:41

They created gorgeous photographs. When I showed the pictures of my daughter, the bride, to co-workers, they said she should be on the cover of bride magazines. There were some very creative ones of the wedding party set in the "country" atmosphere which is exactly what the couple wanted. There are a lot of great photos to choose from of the couple, and some that are very artistic, using the setting perfectly, with the sun shining through the bride's veil, for instance, or her standing in a field of yellow flowers. They are just great. They also took detail photos of unqique things like the bridal dress which showed its Spanish flair (it was made in Spain). The larger family photos went quickly.

Brides of France

2010-10-07 11:12:41

The first dress my daughter tried on is the one she ended up with. I have never seen such a more perfect dress for her. The photographer took advantage of the great dress and took pictures of some of the unique details. Absolutely gorgeous dress that made the bride's figure look like an hour glass.