Joined on December 31, 1969

Superior Bridal

2010-08-18 07:59:07

Too bad that the lowest rating here is 1 star. I'd give them a quarter of a star if there's such option!

I found their shop from the San Patrick website because I love San Patrick wedding gowns (I think they make a big mistake by letting such bridal shop to be their authorized retailer). I made the appt to try on the gowns. When I got there, the lady behind the counter completely ignored me. Then I stand right in front of the counter for a bit and then the old lady, who was eating, eventually asked if she could help. I told her that I had an appt to try to the gowns and she said she'd just go wash her hand and would be right back, but didn't come back until 20 mins later. Finally, we were upstairs and I was so looking forward to try on the styles I saw from the San Patrick web site, BUT...(always a big BUT, right?) this old, no so in shape nor sense of style (she had the back of her skirt tucked under her underwear and she either didn't even bother fix it) was actually my consultant. With a normal expectation, I'd think that I'd be able to look around and pick the dress that I'd like to try on. However,when I pointed a couple of dresses and told her, she'd just ignore my me and keep giving me what she wanted me to try on. I had to repeated a few times before I got to try on the styles I like. Then when I followed her to another room where other dresses are, she told me to go back to my fitting room as she would choose the dresses that "she though" it would look good on me. She didn't really care what I like. She brought me some dresses that were not my style at all (more like for the mature bride instead of a young bride) and she insisted me to try them on even though I told her I didn't like the style. She didn't bring the style I like even after I've described to her several times.

After the fitting, she just left me there, and when I walked pass her on the way down, she didn't even say thanks or bye or anything... what an impolite sale consultant. I'll never come back regardless of the selections. By the way, they don't have good price anyways. They only have size 10 or 12 and up, so if you're smaller than size 10, don't even bother

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