Joined on December 31, 1969

Rachel Erin Photography

2011-06-07 22:48:28

Detailed review coming soon

Judge Nick LaCoste, Jr.

2011-06-07 22:48:28

We found our Officiant after my FMIL attended a wedding that he performed & called us right after that ceremony to tell us about him. By the THIRD time she did this, we finally decided to track him down. He doesn't have a website so we had to Google him for a phone number. I kind-of felt like a stalker. We made the arrangements over the phone and that was that. We didn't get to meet the Judge before our ceremony because he had a family medical emergency. However, he did SUCH a good job marrying what amounted to strangers! He was personal, funny, sweet and sincere. What can I say? My mother-in-law was right! I would easily recommend him to a good friend. (He's pretty easy to find online.)