Joined on December 31, 1969

Noones Tunes

2010-08-31 15:41:00

This vendor does not have a website, they have a private email, so if you want to reach them their number is 9137213707, they are out of the Leavenworth area. They played a lot of country for our wedding and other hit songs... people were dancing all night.

Branching Out

2010-08-31 15:41:00

Also this vendor only has a telephone number which is... 9134858894. They were fabulous!! Very natural arrangements done perfectly!! I will include pictures.. I highly suggest this vendor, they went above and beyond and helped me with details other than the flowers!!

Anne Pendleton Photography

2010-08-31 15:41:00

Anne is an extremely professional photographer, but she is so personal and easy to work with and the end result is perfection! She captured the day just like it was, she totally mended to our style and was not pushy, but instead let the day go smoothly...

Big T Tents

2010-08-31 15:41:00

They were very quick to set up, we had a storm the night after they set up and one stake pulled up, so I called them and they drove all the way back out to fix it.