Joined on December 31, 1969

Front Room Photography

2011-03-27 03:53:14

Let me start by saying for all you fellow perfectionist brides, if you hire FR you can relax and worry about the other 1001 things to do on your list.

Our photographer's name was Neil. We hired him for an engagement shoot and our 2 day celebration. He was everything I wanted in a vendor and more.

Prepared, flexible, showed up early, well dressed, very professional, worked well with other vendors, personable w/guests. AND MUCH MORE...

Our engagement shoot (not included in package) was worth the extra money and highly recommend it. The memories we have from this day are as great as the wedding itself. We changed locations last minute and he was very accommodating. I was very nervous for this shoot. Neil was incredibly patient! He was unobtrusive and- hindsight- a little sneaky. He worked his camera in some odd angles. We look at our photos and now know..."oh, that's what he was doing". He has a talent for documenting intimate moments you don't realize you have w/your fiance until after you get the proofs back and look through them.

For the wedding weekend, I was much more relaxed knowing we would get some great pics. However, I didn't know how great it was going to be just to have him in the room. Neil (and our videographer) made the bridal suite much more relaxed and even humored us. As I was getting ready, he suggested tips/ideas. Like, hit the restroom one last time, don't put on lip-gloss till after you dress, etc. He was very aware of a bride's needs and concerns!

You could consider Neil to be a photographer/comedian/bride's assistant/comforter/coordinator/therapist. He is worth every dollar!

The rest of the FR team is also worth noting. Anytime we called our messages were returned right away. Very personalized service. Very organized! And it is evident the entire staff is proud of the process and the art they produce.