Joined on December 31, 1969

Marci Curtis - Wedding Photojournalist

2009-12-14 14:04:15

If you are looking to capture your Wedding day story then Marci is your photographer! I was overwhelmed at trying to find the 'right' photographer and was referred to Marci by two brides AND a family friend. I am delighted I was led in the right direction.

From the moment I contacted Marci I knew the photography part of my wedding was going to be low stress. I never had difficulty in contacting her and she was right on time camera snapping on the wedding day. She is as invasive or invasive as you want her to be. She made sure to capture the moments I requested but otherwise danced around the event as lightly as a ballerina. When I got the pictures back I was absolutely amazed as to how many moments she captured without me even knowing she was there. My husband and I loved not only the quality of the photos but also how they progressed and 'read' just like a story.

The package price is what it is, not complicated. It was important to my husband and I to have the rights to all of our pictures and Marci did an excellent job in photo finishing them and having them back to us before we got back from the honeymoon!! The service, the quality and the ease made every dollar worth it.

I am confident Marci will capture your story just as she did ours. Her work is timeless.