Joined on December 31, 1969

DJ Connection

2009-11-13 15:59:46

Shawn wasabsolutely amazing! HE was so sweet to turn down the volume when requested by the old people and then after they left, it was party time! Shawn did an excellent job keeping the flow of the reception and engaging people to participate. Shawn even helped us set up the vases before the reception and was putting the flowers where they went. We wouldn't have made it on time without him. He was so great and everyone commented on what a good job he did and how helpful he was. We really liked the fact that we got to sit down with a coordinator and go step by step of what we wanted and didn't want. It was catered specifically to us! Request Shawn. He did an excellent job at my sister's reception. I am so glad he did it and I know my sister was 100% happy with the whole reception.

Laura Vogt Photography

2009-11-13 15:59:46