Joined on December 31, 1969

Timeless Productions

2009-11-04 22:25:18

The missing star is because they didn't end up using the song that we wanted for our Same-Day Edit. We are not big on slo-mos and there was a bit too much of that in our SDE - probably the reason why they weren't able to use Cliffs of Dover (by Eric Johnson) as the song. That being said, everybody loved our video and it really did capture the first half of the day for the guests at the reception to see. The crowd loved it, so did the friends and family who couldn't make it to the wedding.

Below is the link to the HD version of the SDE.

Cielo Photography

2009-11-03 09:12:10

The best there is out there. We are big on photographers that are able to capture the moment instead of going for the cliche, cheesy and stiff poses. There was no question about it - we did not even look anywhere else and it was a given that we have to go with these guys.

Check out the pics: