We sell designer Lingerie From France and Italy
Our Signature Line of designer Lingerie comes from Manhatton, NY.
There isn't just one name in Lingerie any more, Now there's two. The Only diffrence, is our prices. We can guarantee our prices' can't be beat.
We know that Brides need LIngerie, before, during, and after the wedding. We also know that Brides come in all sizes, not just skinny. So our line of lingerie comes in size Small to 3x. In some of the styles to 6x.
We carrie NY most popular handbags, smart, well made, and at prices you would not exspect to pay else where.
Our dressing rooms will ah you, not only are they spaceious, They are tastefully decorated, you will feel like a princess at The Victorian Lady, Why should you settle for less.
Bridal, Prom, Brides Maid Gowns sizes from 2 to 30 in array of colors and styles.
The Price on the Gown is the price you pay no hiden cost. The Dress Bag is Free.
We are having the Front Fasaud of our Store Remoldaled come spring time. So don't judge the book by it's cover, Because we will Dazzle you. We are the store That Dazzles With Red Hot Possibilities!