Coastal Cigars

Coastal Cigars specializes in cigar rolling demonstrations that are not only fun for guests, but cre...

4 Carriage Lane Suite 210

Coastal Cigars specializes in cigar rolling demonstrations that are not only fun for guests, but create an interactive and unique addition to parties. Coastal Cigars has been a part of many events across the country and we have proven our reliability and professionalism over the past few years. Please take a look at some of our clients that we continue to work with.

* The Chris Webber Foundation

* Soiree

* Kiawah Island Resort


* Bad Boy Entertainment

* The Jack Del Rio Foundation

* Bally Technologies

* Ford Motor Company

* Weddings Elegantly Designed

Coastal Cigars features a youthful and energetic staff that is known for their ability to interact with any type of audience.

Your guests will truly appreciate the art of rolling cigars right in front of their eyes. The Coastal Cigars family stands ready to coordinate any of our amenities for your company.

"We love the added experience for our guests that having Coastal Cigars at an event provides... It's definitely a hit! They provide a great service with extremely accommodating staff... We try to bring them in for every event possible!"

- Kate Badger Little (Soiree)


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